Caroma Age Lab Workshop

Some of the team recently attended the Age Lab Workshop, run by Caroma. The workshop aims to uncover the significance or our increasing ageing population and what it means for design. This workshop allowed the team to try on the “Age Suit” to feel 40 years older and perform everyday tasks, to experience the effects of ageing firsthand. The experience deepened our empathy and understanding of why so many older people want to age independently in their own homes, and how we as designers can help to enable this and make it more accessible. The workshop also simulated various health complications, such as arthritis, stroke, Parkinson’s and visual impairments to understand how good and bad design affects quality of life for people living with these disabilities. Overall, it was a thought-provoking and moving experience, and has helped us as designers by showing practical ways to consider age in design. Thanks to the Caroma team for having us.